A Sustainable Company

What means acting responsibly?

One of our strength is connecting our business success to a positive social impact.

If a business action is socially and environmentally sustainable it can be a long-lasting action, causing minimal damage to the people and the planet, and it even will be helpful.

If the action is really sustainable, it will create value into the process.

“Value” for CMD means improving the world, giving benefits to the people and the environment.

The Ecological, Economic and Social aspects in our production

We believe that the idea of continuous improving has to be applied in every process and activity of our company.

For this reason, we include ecological, economic and social aspects in our vision of development and production.

Our brand activism embodies the meaning of values for our company, considering always its position within society: partners, customers, the community we operates, and the all the world generally.

However, it’s important for us being totally sustainable.

Our actions are all that matters.

Our decalogue.

Promoting the full transparency.
Promoting the cooperation.
Reducing the environmental impact.
Thinking beyond the economic and financial revenues.
Creating communities for partners and citizens.
Creating a safe and responsible workplace.
Respecting for employees and people rights.
Ensuring the same earnings, integrating social and environmental performance targets into the Corporate wages system.
Giving value to the diversity, ensuring same opportunities to all partners.
Creating an helpful and inclusive leadership with the stakeholders, focusing it on important long-term values.

What we do for sustainability

Over the years, our skills for the environment safeguard have obtained high levels of excellence, thanks to:

The use of the best available technologies

The use of organizational models based on the application of certified management system (under the UNI EN ISO 14001 standards)

Training and raising-awareness activities of employees and external companies

Minimal Environmental Impact

We manage our plants and systems using energy, materials and natural resources, decreasing environmental impact and waste production and, where possible, using also renewable energy sources. 

For achieving these goals:

We set environmental targets and monitoring the progress done.

Clean technologies
More reduced environmental impact than all ones usually used with the same aim

Energy saving
CHP systems put electric energy into the grid both in plants in Atella (Potenza) and San Nicola La Strada (Caserta).

Energy supply from renewable sources
ECO20x covers a large quantity of our company energy needs, converting wooden scraps and other residues into electric energy.

Responsible available water resources management
We are aware that protecting the quantity and quality of water is not only an environmental problem, but a challenge that involves all economic and social system.

Recovering of production waste

Changing the packaging of our products making it less impactful. An example: we have reduced the packaging weight and we have chosen the reusable ones.

We set environmental targets and monitoring the progress done.

Sustainability annyal reports

Since 2013, CMD has been starting a process for improving the data and information collection necessary for Sustainability annual reports.

Despite the improvement of our results, we are aware that we could act better.

Athmosferic emissions

The result achieved fall within the imposed and approved limits with DGR n°3340/99, 670/01, 1504/15 and D.Lgs 152/2006

Indise and outside awareness

We know that a successful communication about efforts and results achieved by employees, stakeholders and people may help to spread a positive internal culture and engage workers about sustanibility issues. 

Those goals increase the transparency and accountability’s company to the stakeholders and affects to the relational equity development.

That’s why we are highly committed to educational awareness for our partners so that those principles be prosecuted in every level of our company.

Environmental Management System

And finally, in order to ensure in a structured way what is stated, we implemented an Environmental Management System complies with the ISO 14001:2004 standard.     

In fact, it’s confirmed that the integrated environment and security management system has been exceeded in 2021 as well under the rules UNI EN ISO 14001 with the RINA institution.

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